Verse 1
Our parents always tell us never tell a lie.
We say we always do as we are told;
But are we being truthful when we say such things?
Or is the truth not in us? His example do we show?
He is truthful, He’s always truthful.
His promises are sacred, this we know.
He promised He would never, ever leave us all alone;
We feel His love no matter where we go.
Verse 2
We fail him every time we disobey His will.
He promised to redeem us and forgive.
Sometimes He’ll find us hiding for the sins we’ve done.
It breaks His heart to see the way we often want to live.
Back to refrain:
When the world descends upon you with it’s pressures and it’s lies,
What are you going to do to win the fight?
Just look to His example, take His promises to heart,
He’ll show you how to make it turn out right.
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